3 Best Investment Linked Policies in Singapore for Wealth Accumulation (2022 Edition)

We compare across all insurance companies in Singapore to bring you the best.


Taking up an Investment Linked Policy (ILP) usually requires a long-term financial commitment. Constant portfolio management of the investment funds is necessary to ensure investment stays relevant.

InterestGuru.sg presents a list of the 3 Best Investment Linked Policies (ILPs) for your insurance coverage and wealth accumulation needs:

What makes a good Investment Linked Policy?

The main objective of any Investment Linked Policy should be for wealth accumulation through dollar cost averaging. By investing regularly over a longer period of time, you ride out volatility to achieve long-term market growth.

There are mainly 2 types of Investment Linked Policy in the market focusing on:

  • High Wealth Accumulation – Investment Linked Policies in this category have a high initial capital boost to buffer for market volatility (initial negative market conditions) or enhance returns (initial positive market condition). However, the boost will be negated due to high yearly product charges. Withdrawal and en-cashment are usually heavily penalised.
  • High Insurance Coverage – Investment Linked Policies in this category allow riders to cover Critical Illness, Early Critical Illness, and Terminal Illness. The coverage for Death and Total Permanent Disability is also significantly higher. However, insurance charges and mortality charges will start to eat into financial returns at the later life stages. Hence, options to remove insurance coverage and focus on investment returns will be an excellent feature.

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Read about: How much life insurance coverage do you need? *NEW*

The best investment linked policies for coverage and wealth accumulation

The investment linked policies are hand-picked due to their product features and unique selling points.

Our criteria for picking the Investment Linked Policies below:

  • Flexibility and range of available sub-unit trust funds
  • Options for removing protection coverage
  • Fees and recurring charges on the main investment Linked Policy
  • Available protection coverages
  • Unique product features
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Don’t know which ILP is for you? You can now use our Investment Linked Policies Compare Portal to compare ILPs across the top insurers in Singapore.

Note: The Investment Linked Policies listed below are not ranked in any priority. Expect a break-even period of 10 to 15 years for all ILPs as most of the premiums paid in the initial years are used to pay for product charges/admin fees and insurance charges.

Read AboutHow does Investment Linked Policy work?

Read AboutIs an Investment Linked Policy right for me?

Best investment linked policy for coverage and flexibility – Manulife ManuInvest Duo

Manulife ManuInvest Duo
Manulife ManuInvest Duo

Manulife ManuInvest Duo lets you choose a sum assured of up to 100x your annual premium of coverage against Death, Total and Permanent Disability, and Terminal Illness. Choose a Minimum Investment Period of 10, 15 or 20 years.

Riders are available to enhance insurance coverage for Early Critical Illness and Critical Illness as well as premium waiver riders.

What do we like about Manulife ManuInvest Duo

  • You can choose the amount of insurance coverage you want (up to 100x the annual premium)
  • You can skip up to 4 annual premium payments
  • Initial welcome bonus to kickstart your investments (up to 80% depending on your chosen premium, sum assured and MIP)
  • Yearly loyalty bonuses from the 7th policy year onwards to boost your investment portfolio

What do we not like about Manulife ManuInvest Duo

  • Premiums are payable until the termination of the policy

Manulife ManuInvest Duo insurance coverage: [usr=4.5]
Manulife ManuInvest Duo wealth accumulation: [usr=3.25]
Manulife ManuInvest Duo wealth accumulation: [usr=4]

Read aboutManulife ManuInvest Duo Review

Fees & Charges for Manulife ManuInvest Duo

  • Administrative charge of 5% per annum of the account value will be charged monthly from policy year 1 to 5. From policy year 6 onwards, the administrative charge will drop to 1% per annum.

Best investment linked policy for affordability/ low premium – NTUC Income VivaLink

NTUC Income VivaLink
NTUC Income VivaLink

NTUC Income VivaLink provides an all-round solution with basic insurance coverage. With a low premium of only S$100 per month, the policy is accessible to everyone.

Flexible options are available to increase your protection coverage on specific life events. Choose to add on Dread Disease rider to receive insurance coverage for Critical Illness.

What do we like about NTUC Income VivaLink

  • Affordable premium from as low as $100 per month
  • Option to increase the sum assured for Death and Total Permanent Disability with specific life event changes (GIO)
  • Additional 5% special bonus allocation for the premiums payable in the 15th and 20th policy year
  • Unlimited partial withdrawal can be made with no charges incurred
  • Option to reduce coverage to zero after age 55 (Minimum of 10 policy years must have passed)
  • Riders not available to cover for Early Critical Illness

What do we not like about NTUC Income VivaLink

  • No high startup bonus to cushion market volatility during the early years
  • Option to reduce coverage comes in at a much later stage, reducing wealth accumulation potential

NTUC Income VivaLink insurance coverage: [usr=3]
NTUC Income VivaLink wealth accumulation: [usr=3]
NTUC Income VivaLink wealth accumulation (Reduce coverage to Zero): [usr=3.5]

Read aboutNTUC Income VivaLink review

Additional product detailsNTUC Income VivaLink marketing brochure

Best investment linked policy for wealth accumulation – AXA Pulsar

AXA Pulsar
AXA Pulsar

AXA Pulsar offers 2 forms of bonuses to boost your investment plan at the critical point. Startup bonus of up to 168% will be given to enhance your returns when markets are rising, or shield your portfolio when markets are falling. Loyalty bonus equivalent to 4% of your total premiums paid will also be given on the 10th policy anniversary.

AXA Pulsar does not offer much protection coverage, meaning all your money (minus charges) contributed will be invested to generate returns. The Startup bonus greatly assists in ensuring your investment portfolio stays protected in a market downturn.

What do we like about AXA Pulsar

  • No medical examination needed, meaning everyone can purchase the plan
  • Limited pay premium term between 5 to 30 years. You do not need to contribute till you wish to surrender it
  • Unlimited partial withdrawal can be made with no charges incurred
  • Startup bonus offered to boost your policy

What we do not like about AXA Pulsar

  • Lowest insurance coverage among the three
  • Annual account maintenance fee of 4% which eats into long-term return of AXA Pulsar
  • High Early Encashment Charges applies if making withdrawals during the premium payment period.
  • Higher minimum monthly premium of S$250

AXA Pulsar insurance coverage: [usr=2.5]
AXA Pulsar wealth accumulation: [usr=4.75]
AXA Pulsar wealth accumulation (Reduce coverage to Zero): [usr=4.75]

Read aboutAXA Pulsar review 

Additional product detailsAXA Pulsar marketing brochure

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Best investment linked policy for minimal life coverage – Manulife InvestReady Wealth II

Manulife InvestReady Wealth II
Manulife InvestReady Wealth II

Another great investment linked policy from Manulife is their freshly upgraded InvestReady Wealth II. Low death/TPD/TI coverage makes this ILP a fantastic option for you if you want maximum growth of wealth.

Diversify your investments with over 100 funds to choose from. Invest in dividend-paying funds to receive additional passive income!

What do we like about Manulife InvestReady Wealth II

  • Low life coverage of 101% of total premiums paid or account value, which means less cost of insurance giving you maximum growth
  • Welcome Bonus of up to 60% to kickstart your investments
  • Loyalty Bonus of up to 0.8% from the end of your chosen MIP

What do we not like about Manulife InvestReady Wealth II

  • If you are looking for an investment plus coverage ILP, ManuInvest Duo may be more suitable for you
  • Premiums are payable until policy termination

Fees and Charges for Manulife InvestReady Wealth II

  • Administrative charge of 0.7% per annum of the account value will be charged monthly
  • Supplementary charge of 1.80% per annum of the account value will be charged monthly for the first 10 years

When do you start an investment linked policy?

The earlier you start, the more you benefit from an Investment Linked Policy. This is due to the long-term compounding effect and dollar cost averaging. Instead of timing the financial market, make your move by starting to plan for your financial goals.

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It is also equally important that your financial adviser has the expertise and experience to manage your investment portfolio. Your Investment Linked Policies should be updated and rebalanced no less than once a year.

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What is the best investment linked policy for you?

Wish to know more about how the above Investment Linked policies fit into your financial and insurance portfolio? Wish to know the actual financial returns on the above products based on your age, budget and financial profile?

*For a limited time, get attractive incentives when you take up any products that is proposed by our team of financial planners.

Compare Investment Linked Policies from all leading insurers in Singapore

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    DeathTotal and Permanent DisabilityCritical Illness (Early stage)Critical Illness (Advance and Late stage)Income in the event of Disability

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    Note: All financial figures are based on close approximate and all non-guaranteed figures are based on the higher tier of 4.75% investment returns. The sample illustrations are for illustrative purposes only and is not a contract of insurance. Early surrendering or cashing out from an investment linked policy will certainly result in financial loss. In the event of doubt, always refer to the precise terms and conditions as specified in your policy contract. Seek the advice of a qualified financial professional or a licensed financial adviser before making any decision or financial commitment.

    *Terms and conditions may apply, speak to our financial planners or drop us a message for more details.


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